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Error: Duration cannot be revised, possible reasons: the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours, the item is a store item, or the item is an ad-format item.

Error: Duration cannot be revised, possible reasons:
the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending
in 12 hours, the item is a store item,
or the item is an ad-format item.
Error: Duration cannot be revised, possible reasons: the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours, the item is a store item, or the item is an ad-format item.

After you listed an item to eBay, you cannot revise the duration from a short period to a longer period(eg. revise duration from 30 days to GTC). If you revise the duration in the datasheet to a longer period and try to synchronize to eBay, this error will occur.


  1. Select the listing with this error, sync back to restore the datasheet.
  2. If you remember what the original setting for duration was, just change it back to the original setting. That should be fine as well.


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