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What Does the Tag “Sold as a special offer” Mean from eBay Sales Record?

What Does the Tag “Sold as a special offer”
Mean from eBay Sales Record?
What Does the Tag “Sold as a special offer” Mean from eBay Sales Record?

When eBay seller Mr. Li clicked on the “Number Sold” on the eBay listing page to view the sales record, he found that some of the sales records were marked as “ sold as a special offer ”. What does it mean?

As shown below:


In a normal situation, the selling price will be shown directly on the sales record as the buyer pays it directly; for the case that the phrase “sold as a special offer” appears, it means that the buyer and the seller come to an agreement with a price offer in private. Usually, both parties communicate via eBay messages which contains the information about the special offers.

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